An assortment of 12 different 2 sided designs to make 24 total pieces. Printed on high quality, heavy duty cardstock, these vintage style prints are perfect for cards, tags, artist trading cards, mini books, journals, cut outs and so much more.
Be inspired by items at the flea market, barn salve or salvage shop as you flip through these amazing papers that are so perfect for trendy, vintage crafts.
Cut the strips out to make edges, tabs and tags. The backgrounds are ideal for adding a vintage vibe and the sayings, words and reminders bring it all together. Use the word paper to make your own sayings and titles. Cut out the postcards and design them to fit your style. Inspirational sayings that will motivate you we know.
- Vintage planner and agenda themed papers
- 2 each of 12 different papers - 2 prints per sheet
- 24 total pieces
- 12x12 format
- made in the USA